Friday, February 29, 2008

Tea Party

Tea Party
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
Last Sunday, Megan and I went to a "Mommy & Me" Tea Party that was hosted by our neighbors. Megan got to decorate her own mini cake and she decided that she doesn't like tea.

She's been saying some funny stuff. One day Megan was asking for milk and Jimmy said to her, "what's the magic word" (obviously looking for a 'please') and she looked at him quizically and said "Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo?" Then, when she was home sick with me the other day, out of nowhere she said "Who is Medusa?" She then asked if Medusa was good or bad and before I had a chance to answer her, she said "Do you realize that she said 'Stay Away!' so I think she is good and bad". Where does a 3 year old come up with the phrase "do you realize...."?

I can't wait for Jake to really start talking (for a couple of reasons)....first, they say really funny stuff and I know that his lack of clear communication is the source of much frustration. He definitely knows what he wants and gets so mad when we can't figure it out. One of these days, it's gonna start flowing....I'm sure.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Active Kids

Century Ride
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
Last Friday, by 9:30am, Megan and Jake had done a century ride. For those of you unfamiliar with that, it's basically a 100 mile bike ride. We modified it a bit for them - they rode 100 laps around my kitchen island. Here's the problem: Jake can't reach the pedals on his bike (even if he could, he doesn't know how to pedal yet). So, yes, I had to push him around the island to keep up with Megan. And, long after she was finished, he wanted to keep going. And why not? He didn't have to do any of the work.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February Stuff


A couple of weeks ago, we went sledding on a little hill about 2 or 3 blocks from our house. I made Uncle Jimmy come with us so that he could sled with one kid while I sledded with the other. It worked out well because I got him to pull the wagon home through the snow! The kids loved it, so about a week later when we got more snow, Darin was going to take them back to the hill. He ended up making his own cool hill in the backyard. It had two slides and a tunnel!
Double Slide & Tunnel

On Feb. 1st, Darin and Megan went to the Father Daughter Dance at her school. I got her a corsage, but it wouldn't fit on her wrist with her coat on, so it got left at home.
Father/Daughter DanceFather/Daughter Dance
They seemed to have a good time. They ate pizza, colored pictures, danced and had a cupcake. Fun stuff.

Now, Jake is our little handful. Lately, when Megan even walks into the room he walks up to her and hits her. He likes to work the room solo, apparently. Here's a Jake moment that will make my Uncle Scott proud. First, Scott is the king of television theme songs. So, now Jake can sing the Two and a Half Men theme song. If he even hears a small part, he breaks into song. Granted, the lyrics are not difficult, but the fact that he knows it is kind of funny to me. He still eats like a horse. In the photo below, you can't see it but Jake has his own bowl of grapes. I guess he figured that since Megan wasn't paying attention, he'd just take some of hers. And, yes, that is marker on his face.
Food Thief