Monday, November 17, 2008

Funny Kids

Originally uploaded by tracyg00
On Saturday, I was making dinner - which happened to be a rigatoni dish. Jake was all excited to eat until it was on his plate and then he was just mad that it wasn't spaghetti. He kept saying, "Nuther one. New one. Sketi". So, we made him traditional spaghetti noodles and he ate two huge platefuls. I guess he knows what he wants!

Darin and I were going to the movies that evening and we were telling the kids that Uncle Jimmy was gonna watch them. And Megan said, "Oh, so you can have some time?" Not really sure where she came up with that, but it was pretty funny.

On Sunday, the kids (& Darin) were doing some "tricks" in the family room. Jake got his legs much higher than in this picture, but I thought his face looked cute here:


Then, here are the tricks with dad:

Flying through the Air


Followed by a fun bubble bath. When I took these photos, Megan said, "Can we send those pictures to Aunt Jenny?" I'm not sure why she thought these photos, in particular, would be of interest to Jenny, but here they are:



Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Originally uploaded by tracyg00
A few years ago, Jimmy bought me a DVD box set of Pee Wee's Playhouse. I think it was meant to be a sort of gag gift, but it turns out that my kids absolutely adore Pee Wee. They could watch it over and over again....and admittedly, it is pretty darn funny. In one of the episodes, Pee Wee is brushing his teeth with a huge toothbrush and he's got tons of toothpaste foaming out of his mouth. Ever since then, Megan has been inspired to brush her teeth like crazy. She'll spend at least 15 - 20 minutes at the sink, just brushing away. And, she'll do this 3 times/day. Amazing.

Brush, brush, brush!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The (belated) Halloween Report

Originally uploaded by tracyg00
Here is Megan's kitty cat costume. She had such a great time this year. She ran around the neighborhood with her group of friends and loaded up on the candy. Jake had a tiger costume that he wore at all the wrong times. He had it on the day we brought it home -- then he wouldn't wear it to the Boo Bash at Megan's school. He wore it to have portraits taken -- and then wouldn't wear it trick or treating. But, I have to say, he got just as much candy in this outfit as he would have in the tiger.

Jake's anti-costume