Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jake's T-Ball Season

Hot Day at the Ball Field by tracyg00
Hot Day at the Ball Field, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

Jake had a fantastic season with his White Sox team in the Edgebrook Sauganash Athletic Association league. He always looked forward to his games, and he really did have a lot of focus. He also had a couple of friends from his preschool on his team, which made it that much better! Here's Jake with his buddy, Ryan:


Here are a few action shots to sum up his season:





Big Hitter

Near the end of the season, they had a little pizza party after one of their weekday games:

Pizza Pary

Darin helped coach the team and was given a Red Robin gift card from the team. Our kids loved that! Here he is with Coach Pete and Coach Sandra:


I just happened to like this post-game team cheer photo:

Go White Sox!

The league had an end of the season picnic with awards for each team. The kids enjoyed the cotton candy and hot dogs.

ESAA Picnic & Awards Ceremony

And an individual shot of the big trophy:


He can't wait until next year!