Thursday, April 19, 2007


Originally uploaded by tracyg00.
We were watching a pbs kids show on Wednesday and they were talking about doing chores.....Megan asked me, "What are chores do?" (Don't ask me why she adds 'do' to the end of that sentence :-) Anyway, I explained that they're jobs that kids do to help out around the house. She wanted to do some chores, so I told her that her chores could be picking up her toys and dusting (she likes to dust - woo hoo!). She decided later that picking up toys was no fun at all and that she wanted to set the table like Calliou (the pbs character). She set this table all by herself. I handed her napkins and asked her to put one by everyone's spot. She told me she was giving Jake extra ones because "he's messy". I basically handed her stuff to put out and she set it up on the table wherever she wanted. I think she did a pretty good job!!

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