Monday, July 30, 2007

I've Been Practicing....

Got your nose
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
I've got a couple of funny Megan stories....

Last week, Darin was playing "I got your nose" with Megan. You know, the one where you hold your thumb in between your fingers and trick the kid. He did it to her about 3 or 4 times and then they started doing something else and never mentioned it again. Three days later, he had put her in a time out. When he went to get her, she said, "I've been practicing" And he said, "practicing what?" Then, she did her little trick and said "I got your nose". Funny how that little mind is working all the time.

The other night I was putting Megan to bed and when I was leaving her room I said, "Good night....sleep tight" and she said, "Don't get any mosquito bites". I loved that one.

On Saturday, Darin and I were going to dinner with some friends and he came down the stairs wearing sandals. Before he made it to the bottom, Megan said "I don't like those".
He said, "What?"
She said, "Your shoes. Are those flip flops?"
He said, "Yeah, they're kind of like flip flops" (they weren't)
She said, "Those are for girls"


jen m. said...

LOL this is SUPER funny stuff! My favorite is about the girl shoes. Don't tell Currin this will confirm to him that Darin is gay!!!! Funny stuff thanks for sending the post

Myrrh said...

Such cute stories! Megan comes up with some good ones! I love seeing the world through the eyes of a child.