I just dropped Megan off for her first day of 3 year-old preschool at St. Cornelius. She will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 - 2pm. She was a little nervous -- if you look close at the photo you might be able to see that she's biting her lip. There were lots of parents in the hallway taking photos like paparazzi, and she didn't really want to go into the room. I think it was a little overwhelming. Her teacher, Miss Riley, suggested that we wait until the crowd dissipated. Once many of the parents cleared, we had a little chat about her being big and that Jake couldn't go to school yet. That made her smile and she said, "ok, I'm ready now". Aw... such a big kid. She walked into the room without a single tear. I, on the other hand, had to hold back my tears! I'm going to pick her up at 2pm and I'm sure I'll have another post later.
What a cutie! Was just wondering today if you signed Megan up for pre-school.
Oh my such a hard yet great day!!!! She is growing up and I am missing it, RATS!!! I know she will love it.
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