Thursday, December 6, 2007


M&J with Santa
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
We just got about 6 inches of snow on Tuesday night and I was home with the kids yesterday. So, we went out to play in the snow in the morning and they LOVED it! Jake had a bit of a hard time moving around in his boots and snow pants and at one point Megan pushed him down -- flat on his back -- and it was just like Ralphy's little brother on A Christmas Story, he couldn't move at all. Jake got her back though....she was making snow angels and he walked over to her and threw snow in her face and then fell on top of her. Amazingly, she laughed it off (not the norm for her). That's how much she loved the snow. Unfortunately, it was 22 degrees and I couldn't take it for much more than an hour. So, we came in and put on dry clothes and headed to the mall to take a picture with Santa.

When we first got there, Megan was a little shy. I said "Say hi". She turned her head and Jake started waving at him like crazy. Then I put Megan on his lap and she warmed up to him. Jake was a little less enthusiastic once he got that close. We tried for a while to get him to smile for the picture, but alas, this was the best we could do. When I put him on the floor again, he smiled like crazy and babbled away to Santa. I guess he works better from afar. Megan told Santa that she wanted a camera. He said, "What kind of camera?" And she said, "the kind that takes pictures". Duh, Santa. She also told him she wanted a vacuum. Again, he said "Oh, any special kind of vacuum...maybe a Dyson?" I said, "Sure Santa, we'd love a Dyson" and Megan said, "a vacuum that picks up fuzz". How old is this kid? A camera and a vacuum? It sounds more like my wish list!

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