Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday Fieldtrip

Originally uploaded by tracyg00
We decided to be tourists in our own city today. We took the Metra into Union Station, walked around a bit and then found the Chicago Water Taxi. We were hoping to go to Chinatown, but they informed us that they only go to Chinatown on the weekends. Bummer - we had already purchased tickets! Here's Megan as the taxi is arriving:

Here Comes the Water Taxi

We took the water taxi around a bit and ended up near Michigan Ave. where we decided to have "cheezborgers" at Billy Goat. The old guy gave the kids some hats. For some reason, Jake decided to act shy when it was time to have his picture taken. Weird.

Billy Goat

After a bit more exploring around town, we got back on the water taxi (with seats at the very front this time):

Riding on the Chicago River

And back to Union Station:

Union Station

When I went to the ticket window at Union Station, the guy said, "Is it just you and the two little ones?" I said, "yep". And he said, "Are you nuts?!" And, I think I might be. We started the process of getting off the train about 1 stop before our own, because the kids insisted upon sitting on the upper deck and of course I had to drag our stroller up and down the tiny staircase. But, we made it. Now, I'm tired and we still have swim lessons this evening. Fun, fun!

1 comment:

jen m. said...

You are brave! But at least you are taking advantage of all that Chicago has to offer. I remember when I was a kid my favorite thing was to ride on the upper deck of the train, one of my most vivid memories! I miss you guys a ton and hate missing all the memories!