Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lunch with Aunt Jenny and more.....

2 Toots
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
We visited the 2 Toots Cafe with Jenny (last month :-) . This place was pretty fun - the train brings your food right to your spot. Woo hoo! Fortunately, we were able to escape without train whistles for the kids.

We've gotten to spend lots of time on the ice at the neighbor's house. Joe has the rink working pretty well these days.

Cocoa break

Megan's has has show and tell with various themes throughout the year. The last round had each child bringing in a favorite book that they could "read" to the class. The teacher suggested bringing a book that might be memorized from repetitive readings. We tend to switch it up a lot (or read chapter books), so Megan didn't really have a "go to" book. She chose 'Olivia and the Missing Toy'. I read it to her a few times and she practiced her presentation - this included holding the book for everyone to see the pictures after each page. When it came to her day to bring the book in, she was really nervous and didn't want to put her book into her backpack. While I was getting everyone geared up for the day, I look over and she's cramming for her big presentation. I had to snap a photo:

Prepping for a speech

She came home from school and said it went really well. I found out later that most everyone in the class brought in babyish books that were really easy and hers was one of the longest.

Every now and then, Jake's friend Sean comes over to play. They always have a fabulous time together.


We had a few people over on Superbowl Sunday and the kids really enjoyed Jenny's "Shut the Box" game.

Shut the Box

Jake has been crazy about Super Heroes lately. As a matter of fact, when I told him I was going to take him for a haircut, he said he wanted his hair cut like Wolverine. We settled for a bathtub hairdo:


Fun Uncle Jimmy made the kids a snow pile when we got all of that snow a couple of weeks ago. He's also been taking them to the park and they say the slide tends to be faster when it's frozen and they're in snow pants. They built up the snow at the bottom of the slide so that they could land on their butts. Here's a photo of the snow pile in our yard:

Snow pile!

More to follow.......

1 comment:

jen m. said...

OK not to add something more to your to do list and since I am back in Chicago I probably shouldn't nag you but I miss the posts!!!! Easter Egg hunt and Easter might be good ones, ;-)