Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clowning Around

MC 008
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
The kids love goofing around with Darin. They were practicing fake punches - although I think Jake was actually trying to make contact. Lately they've developed a new move called the "Drop Down". I don't have photos of that one yet, I'll put that on my list. Here's another Jake action shot:

MC 009

Since Megan got her own camera for her birthday, she will go through phases of taking photos of herself. Here is a little sampling:

MC 019

Picture 025

Picture 018

And then our all-time favorite:

MC 022

As a matter of fact, we liked that one so much that the rest of us made our own version when she wasn't around (Jake did this unbeknownst to us):

Picture 004

Vegas 037

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