Tuesday, October 30, 2012

August - Part 2

100_3295 by tracyg00
100_3295, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

August was another busy month and worthy of a second post. Later in the month, Jenny took Megan (and Francesca) to the American Girl store for a special birthday lunch.


This is a pretty special event for Megan - she thinks it's so cool to go downtown (especially with Aunt Jenny).


On a crummy, rainy day, we joined the Swansons for bowling at Brunswick Zone. Patti had a groupon, so it was as good excuse as any to get over there.


Back to the topic of birthdays........Larry celebrated his 70th birthday this year and came into town with Uncle Adam to attend the big, fancy party at Jenny's house. They stayed with us for most of the week and one night we went out to Club Lucky for a nice dinner.


We had lots of fun with them. We had lunch at Red Robin, Adam and I got pedicures, I dropped off Adam and Larry in Millenium Park while I went to an expo for an hour or two one day. Then came the big event! Here are a few photos of party day.

My boys:


This makes me smile:


With the guest of honor:


A grandkids shot:


And my little family unit:


I like this one, too:


Here's a photo of the beautifully decorated yard:


Of course, to liven up the party....my family ended up in the pool in their clothes. But, boy, did they think that was fun!


Our month ended.....along with summer break. The kids went back to school, much to their dismay.


All in all, we really had a great summer!

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