Thursday, December 6, 2012

October 2012

IMG_6128 by tracyg00
IMG_6128, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

October brought us my 40th birthday - yikes!! There's no way I can be 40! The kids had a nice time celebrating with cake on a stick from Mariano's.


Jenny was so nice to plan such an extravagant birthday celebration for me. We did the spa thing an Nordstrom, dinner at RPM, tried to go to a club but ended up at a dive bar and stayed at the Peninsula. Wow, what a gal.


We spent a fair amount of time at the cottage in October. In case you're wondering, THIS is how you jump into a leaf pile:


And Jake's version:


We love sitting around the campfire in the fall. I had to add this photo. Perhaps my kids think I take too many pictures. I see this look a lot!!


Here's a happier up her own dinner:


And, Jake would kill me if he knew I posted this photo, but I couldn't resist. He's really a very sweet kid.


They seem to get along pretty well when we're in Wisconsin. Maybe it's the fresh air, or maybe it's that they only have each other to play with. Either way - I'll take it. This pic made the Christmas card, but I'll share it again anyway.


And I absolutely love the genuine laughter and happiness that was caught in this image:


I made it to Megan's class Halloween party. They had a fun mummy-wrapping game and she was on the same team as her teacher.


Here are their costumes. Pretty self-explanatory:


And, boy, did they score on the candy. It's December 6th and we still have a ton leftover.


This girl loves her chocolate:


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