Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just Jake

IMG_2177 by tracyg00
IMG_2177, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

Jake lost his first tooth on February 8 at 11:45am. I know this because he had Darin write it down. Darin had picked the kids up from school and before they got home, his tooth came out in the car. Somehow, that tooth was never found. We looked a few times - even with a flashlight, but no tooth appeared. So, about a week later, Jake finally wrote a note to the tooth fairy that said "I lost my tooth in the car. Love, Jake". Low and behold, she left $5.00 for him under his pillow. He was so happy!

Jake has a very quick wit about him. I just found a post-it note where I had jotted down a couple of things he's said that were particularly funny at the time. I'll try to explain the context, but perhaps too much time has passed.

1. "Uncle Scott isn't old. He's just.......mature." This was in reference to who was coming over for Thanksgiving and whether or not it was going to be all old people.

2. "Katy Perry? I hate her. She's inappropriate". No real explanation needed here.

3. "Mom, you should look at your face. It looks beautiful". Not a funny quote - but how could I not include it!!

4. "Time to Dance". This was pretty funny. We were all watching TV and sometimes Darin plays this game with the kids where they say, ' the next person on the screen is....Jake' or whomever. Well, someone particularly undesirable came up for Jake and we all laughed. He jumped up from his chair, walked over to Darin all serious and said "time to dance" while following up with a punch.

5. "It's like a chemical that makes you down to your bones". I don't remember the context of this one, but I do know that he's explaining acid or something similar.

Anyway, there are a lot more Jake-isms. I just haven't been so good about writing them down. Perhaps I will try to blog more!

Famous last words, huh?!

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