Wednesday, January 1, 2014

November 2013

IMG_3676 by tracyg00
IMG_3676, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

I joined Jake on his class field trip on the 7th. We went to the Botanic Garden. I think the kids had the most fun while waiting for the bus in the big field.

Jake started playing in a basketball league at Brooks park. It was his first experience with basketball, and he seems to really like it. Here's a shot from his first game:

We had our November girl scout meeting on the 13th. Our topic was dining etiquette and we had a nice guest speaker.

Here's a shot from Jake's second game. He's a pretty good dribbler.

On that Sunday evening after the game, the kids helped me make an apple crumble. They also put on some diner hats and made themselves mustaches and nametags. It was so funny.

We went back to Bughouse Studio on the 19th. Jake made another bowl:

Megan came with us this time and caught on pretty fast for her first try at the wheel:

She has a lot of confidence as an artist. Not bad for her first piece (all by herself):

I also forgot to mention that Megan signed up to be in a play at Sauganash Park. She had practice every Wed. and Fri. after school for 2 hours. One Wednesday, Jake and I went to Starbucks (his request) and he did his homework there, while enjoying a hot chocolate and croissant. Megan thinks that he looks like a businessman in this picture:

On November 23, we celebrated 50 Years of Marriage for Mimi and Papa. The whole crew went to dinner at L.Woods.

On the 24th, Megan, Darin, Larry and I participated in the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot 5k. It was brutally cold that day, but we survived.

We made it back to the Bughouse Studio for one more crack at pottery on the 27th (the kids had no school). They glazed some of their pieces:

Jake decided that he wanted to do some hand-throwing, rather than the wheel. He made a pirate ship. We still have to go pick it up. Here's the before photo. Watch for the "after" to come soon.

On Thanksgiving Day, Megan and Darin ran the Evanston Flying Turkey 5k (another cold one).

And then the Cleavelands hosted the Thanksgiving meal. Jake and Pierce celebrated as cowboys.

That about sums up November!

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