Saturday, July 11, 2015

December 2014

December was a fun month. We visited Santa at the QAS "Santa's Workshop" event. Santa even asked the kids how Harold was doing. IMG_1156 Jake had his Christmas program at school. He was instructed to wear dress pants, a white shirt and tie. He brought his own style with the bowtie and jacket. IMG_6200 I took Megan and her friends to the mall for some Christmas shopping. We had a little stop at Starbucks first. IMG_6170 We made it downtown for breakfast at Macy's on Darin's birthday again this year. We got there early enough to eat at the Walnut room this year. IMG_1457 We had Portillo's chocolate cake later that evening. IMG_1499 And, Christmas eve was celebrated at Lisa's this year. Here's the family pic: IMG_1521

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