Friday, March 16, 2007

Budding Photographer

Originally uploaded by tracyg00.
So, Megan's latest joy is running around with the digital camera, snapping pictures of anything and everything. It's really interesting to see how her little mind works ...... the other day she was snapping away and I opened up the fridge to get something out. She came up in front of me and snapped a photo. Then, she opened up the garbage and took a picture of that. I won't post that one for your viewing pleasure :-).....I just thought it was kind of interesting to see the world from her point of view.

1 comment:

jen m. said...

That picture is actually pretty cool! You will be surprised how artistic that little mind will be with a camera. And if you don't want her to trash yours, they do have ones for little kids....which Aunt Jenny might have to buy her for Easter. Love and miss you guys and ton and getting excited to move back home.