Thursday, March 29, 2007

Parenting - What Not to Do

Apple Bread
Originally uploaded by tracyg00.
So, yesterday was an interesting day. In the morning, I was changing Jake's diaper in the family room. He was laying on Megan's sleeping bag (which she likes to lay in while watcing TV) and I apparently left his diaper off too long because he peed on me. I covered him up as quickly as I could with the new diaper, but it was too late and it got all over Megan's sleeping bag. She told me "wash it right now". So, I got Jake cleaned up, put him in the swing and went downstairs to wash the sleeping bag. I came upstairs to find Megan standing in front of Jake, pointing her finger at him and saying "don't pee on mama....only in your diaper, ok?" Her tone was definitely a scolding type -- not friendly.

Later on, I was making Apple Bread and Megan was helping by mixing up the dry ingredients. She was using a bit too much gusto, so I gave her a little bowl of flour to play with. I had my back to her as I was shredding the apples and when I turned around I saw flour all over her, the counter, the barstool and the floor. I must have had a shocked look on my face because she immediately said "Don't look at me!" I said, "Why -- because you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing?" and she said "Don't talk". Nice. Whatever....she had a good time.

Then, at dinner time, Megan had asked for a hot dog. So I gave her one in a bun. Jake was sitting next to her at the counter eating fruit and cheerios. I left the kitchen for a moment to let the dog out and put food in her bowl and when I came back, Jake had Megan's hot dog in his hand and had already eaten about 1-1/2" of the dog. I ran over there to get it from him and said, "Megan! Babies can't have hot dogs" And she said, "Jakie take it from me". Meanwhile Jake started freaking out because I took it away and I had to appease him with pieces of the bun.

So, what have we learned today?
1. Don't dilly dally when diapering a baby
2. Don't expect a 2 year old to be neat with flour
3. Don't leave a hot dog close to a ravenous 9 month old

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