Thursday, June 12, 2008

June updates

Originally uploaded by tracyg00
Well, summer is here. Which means we've been on the go! Our calendar has been full with BBQ's, events, etc., etc. We've been trying to get out as much as possible - not that you can tell by the whiteness of Megan's skin in the adjacent photo. We're really good about the sunscreen :-) I have one funny story that I forgot to write about last month. We had gone out on a bike ride and when we got back, the kids and I ate lunch outside in the backyard. This was the middle of May, so it wasn't consistently warm yet. The clouds had moved in and it cooled off as we sat there. Megan then said, "I'm frickin freezin' out here". Hmmm - they hear everything, don't they?!

Jake is getting good at keeping up with his big sister. They've been using the sides of the sandbox as a balance beam and he's getting pretty good. It's funny to see the difference in boys and girls -- it's so stereotypical....she's good at the verbal skills and he's definitely more physically gifted. He'd got a good set of bruises on his legs - but it doesn't seem to slow him down.

Megan had her last day of preschool last Thursday. They had a nice little program (although it was 100 degrees in the school). She gets nervous performing in front of a crowd and broke into tears about halfway through the program when her teacher asked her to stand up. I think she felt like everyone was looking at her and she wasn't comfortable with that. Here's the graduation photo:


Jake's birthday is tomorrow, so I'll try to add a cake photo. He loves the Happy Birthday song. As a matter of fact, he adds a "cha, cha, cha" to the end of the song whenever anyone sings it. Until tomorrow.......

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