Friday, August 1, 2008

Oh Boy.

Originally uploaded by tracyg00
So, I'm thinking that Jake should've possibly been named in "The Menace". He's been a handful lately. A couple of weeks ago, when we went to the beach, he threw his shoe out the window somewhere on Foster Ave. Unfortunately, I didn't notice it until we were at the beach and he only had one shoe. He confirmed my theory of 'window throwing' when we were driving down Willow (which is super busy). Megan was wearing my sunglasses, which is fine because she takes care of things, and she took them off for a moment to scratch her face. Jake grabbed the glasses and tossed them out the window. Ugh. I had to pull over, back up and run down the street to grab them. All the while, I'm watching huge trucks come within inches of crushing them. Now, I had the windows open because my air conditioner went out - unfortunately it was in the 90's that day. I was not a happy camper. Then, the next morning I was taking them to Debbie's and since I still didn't have A/C, the windows were open again. Driving down Elston, Jake grabbed Megan's Princess cup out of her hand and threw it out the window. Again, I find myself running down the street to grab something out of the road. Needless to say, Jake has lost all window priveleges. Fortunately for him, the A/C got fixed later that day.

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