Thursday, August 28, 2008

Trip Wrap Up

Beach House
Originally uploaded by tracyg00
We all had a fabulous time in Myrtle Beach. It was a week's worth of good food, swimming in the pool, playing at the beach, golf for the fellas and not quite enough sleep for any of the kids!

This is a photo of the house that we stayed in (from the back). On the last day, Megan really didn't want to go home. I told her that we had to leave because another family was going to be using the house. She said, "Well, we can just ask them 'what are your names' and then we can stay here with them". Hmmm, if only that would work!

On one of the overcast days, we visited the botanic gardens. They had a ton of beautiful sculpures and a low-country zoo. Jake was especially fond of the alligators....or as he says "chomps".


Megan definitely had the most fun swimming in the pool. She spent as much time as she could in that water.


On the way to the airport, we stopped to have lunch with my friend Tara in Charleston. Although it was a short visit, it was really nice to see her. Jake didn't have much of an opportunity to nap, so he was quite a handful on the plane. He was back and forth between me and Darin. He wanted to watch Pee Wee on the DVD player, he wanted to open and close the DVD player. He was super restless. Jimmy picked us up from the airport and as we were driving out of O'Hare, we said, "Hey Jake, look at the plane" (it was really close to the road). And he said, "Yuck, plane". I felt exactly the same.

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