Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Girl Scout Camping

Bridge by tracyg00
Bridge, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

In early June, we took our troop camping. This was a big deal since one of the leaders has to go through 3 training modules to be able to do this. To the average person, this means giving up a weekend of their time to get trained. We were lucky to have Linda - who was interested in getting these girls to camp. Now, she'll have to be a leader for the remainder of our scout years because no one else will want to go through the training! This first pic is from the bridge that separates the parking area from the camp.

Linda made us a peach cobbler without an oven. She created her own little box oven out of an egg crate and heated coals and came out with this fantastic dessert:

Cooking cobbler without an oven

We split the girls up into teams and gave them a mom leader. Then, we sent them off on a nature scavenger hunt. They each came up with their team name. This one happened to be "Team Fuzzy Bunnies":

Nature Scavenger Hunt - Team Fuzzy Bunnies

Our trained leader got our campfire going:

Leader Linda getting the fire going

And we made Smores!

Camp fire

I tried to get a photo of each girl with her mom. Here's our pic:

First night at camp

Here's my gal, roasting her marshmallow to a golden color.

Roasting Marshmallows

After a raucous round of flashlight tag, we tried to settle them for bed. Here's Megan, with her best buddy, Margaret.

Time for Bed!

They actually slept pretty well....considering we had 29 people in our cabin (15 kids & 14 moms). Here's the cabin.

Our Cabin

Here's our whole group of gals out on a hike after our big breakfast of bagels, donuts, fresh fruit, yogurt, and coffee for the moms.

The Whole Gang

We got to a spot on the trail that was really overgrown and pretty wet, so we turned around and I took this photo (I just liked this one):


And then a final shot of me and Megan on the trail in our unplanned matching shirts:

Matching Shirts?

All in all, we had a great time and will definitely do it again!

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