Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Megan's Stuff

1st grade field trip by tracyg00
1st grade field trip, a photo by tracyg00 on Flickr.

When it was near the end of the school year, I chaperoned Megan's class field trip to the Children's Museum. This was my group of 5 kids and they were awesome. Megan's teacher went easy on me and gave me a very well-behaved group. After the field trip, Megan gave me this note.

Side 1:


Side 2:


And, since I'm on the subject of Megan, here are a few pics from some of our girl scout activities this year. We went ice skating in March:

Speed Demon!

GS Ice Skating

And in May, the 5th grade troop hosted a fancy tea party to help us earn the "Sister to Every Girl Scout" patch. It was a big group (this photo made the local paper, too):

Fancy Tea Party

And they also made a really cool craft. This is a flower pen:

Margaret, Megan & Julia

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